My Brand
B2-pesakond / B2-litter
My Brand Bedtime Story
chocolate female "Brownie"
A/A 0:0
owner: breeder & Silver Särev.
qualified in the field (International Working Certificate)
working as a hunting dog. |

* one year old |

My Brand Beatrice
chocolate female "Beatrice"
A/B 0:1
owners Toomas & Piia Pärna.
Retriever Specialty'08: Junior Class Winner, Junior-CC, BOS-Junior - also on the same show Best Ottertail!
Qualified in the field (International Working Certificate) at the age of 11 months.

* 1,5 years old |

SLO JCH My Brand Black Velvet
black female "Žami"
A/A 0:0
owner: Mateja Srimpf, Slovenia
CACIB 20.09.08: Junior Class Winner, BOB-Junior.
CACIB 17.01.09: Junior Winner, BOB-Junior (Mr Per Iversen, Norway)
CACIB 18.01.09: Junior Winner, Sovenian Youth Champion! (Mr Luis Pinto Texeira, Portugal) |

* 11 months old |

Sire and dam of this litter:

sünd 14.10.2007
See on Brenda ainuke pesakond meie kennelis ja seetõttu meie jaoks ka eriline. 14.oktoobril 2007 hommikuks olid meil kutsikakastis 6 musta ja pruuni krudisejat: 2 musta poissi, 1 must tüdruk, 1 pruun poiss ja 2 pruuni tüdrukut. Kahjuks läks pruun poiss ootamatult hiljem kutsikate taevasse, aga õnneks jäid kõik teised meiega.
See oli meeldejääv pesakond, kust oli raske valida välja kutsikaid näituste, aretuse ja töö jaoks. Lõpuks jäid pruunid tüdrukud kaasomandisse Eestisse ja must tüdruk läks Sloveeniasse.

born 14.10.2007 |
It was Brenda's only litter and though very special to us. In the morning of 14th October 2007 we had 6 puppies in the puppybox: 2 black boys, 1 black girl, 2 chocolate girls and 1 chocolate boy, who unfortunately went unexpectedly to the Heaven later.
It was very difficult to choose between them, but now we have 2 chocolate girls in co-ownership and a black girl in Slovenia. We are keeping our fingers crossed fo all of them! |