My Brand
E3-pesakond / E3-litter
(sündinud / Born 8.11.2009)
My Brand Envoy To Nimloth
yellow male "Ernie"
2 x Winners Dog, 2 x Reserve Winners Dog & Best Puppy.
owners: Maureen Sullivan Gamble & Sherry Petty (kennels Nimloth & Shiloh, USA).

My Brand Emmanuelle
yellow female "Amelie"
2 x Best of Breed Puppy, BEST IN SPECIALTY SHOW BABY, BOS Puppy.
owned by Haita-Maarit Zahharov |

My Brand Espirit
yellow female "Roxie"
Best of Breed Puppy.
owned by Haita-Maarit Zahharov |

My Brand Eden At Kopa
yellow female "Eden"
Best in Specialty Show Baby
owned by Daiva Grigonienė, Lithuania

My Brand En Vogue
yellow female "Gucci"
Best In Specialty Show Puppy.
owned by Eva Vilamo, Finland

My Brand Estrella
yellow female "Lotta"
owned by Kai Põldvee-Mürk, Tallinn. |

Eliza poegis kergelt ja lihtsalt, pesakonnas on 2 poissi ja 7 tüdrukut, kellest kaks jäid meie kennelisse kasvama, veel kaks jäid Eestisse ja kolm kutsikat läksid laia maailma lootusega, et neist kasvavad väärilised labradorid aretustöö jaoks Leedus, Soomes ja USAs. Mõlemal vanemal terved puusad, küünarliigesed ja silmad, samuti on mõlemad vanemad uuritud prcd-PRA suhtes ja puhtad, see tähendab, et kõik kutsikad saavad olema Optigen prcd-PRA puhtad (ei kanna PRA-geeni).

Eliza whelped her litter so easily as always and there were 2 boys and 7 girls in this litter. Two of the girls stayed with us, 2 more are living in Estonia and the rest 3 puppies went to Lithuania, Finland and USA. We hope they will grow up and fulfill the expectations on them. Both sire and dam have clear hips, elbows and eyes and also Optigen prcd-PRA Normal/Clear, which means, that puppies will be Optigen prcd-PRA Clear By Parentage (not carrying PRA gene).
Pesakonna vanemad / Sire and dam of this litter:
hips A/A,
elbows 0:0,
eyes OK,
Optigen Normal/Clear.
3 x CC & reserve-CACIB winner.
hips A/A,
elbows 0:0,
eyes OK,
Optigen Normal/Clear.
EST LV LTU BALT Junior Champion
CACIB, BALT Junior Winner'03
* 7 x Specialty Show Winner
under breeder judges.
* qualified in the field.
* Forest Duck hunting test III Prize