Mallorn's El Dorado

* on the photo 3 years old.

chocolate male, bbEE, does not carry yellow
born: 8.03.2006
Breeder Anu Honkapirtti, kennel Mallorns, Finland.


  • hips A/A,
  • elbows 0:0,
  • eyes: clear (Dec’08)
  • Optigen prcd-PRA Carrier
  • EIC Clear (N/N)
  • full dentition

In Estonian Kennel Union database »

Tommy is exactly like his namesake in a Pippi Longstockings book – sensible, peaceful, reasonable boy. Despite that he manages to surprise us and started at puppy age by passing the Hunting Test with very nice results.

He has been very lightly shown, but hopefully that’ll change. So far the results have been promising.

We thank Anu for the possibility to have him!

Tommy is a father of 2 litters in Estonia.


  • Tallinn National 6.03.10: Winner of Working Class (Matti Tuominen, FIN).
  • Baltic Winner’09 23.08.2009: Winner of Open Class.
  • Labrador Specialty 11.11.2007: II place in Male Intermediate Class (Bolette Heering, DK).
  • Rakvere’07: winner of Junior Class, Junior-CC, BOS-Junior, Best Male-3.
  • Labrador Specialty Show in Tallinn, 19.08.2006: III place in Male Baby Class (Jan Roger Sauge, NOR).


  • At the age of 6 months Tommy gained III grade at the Hunting Test!


Tom Grant (UK, kennel Simandem) Retriever Specialty 16.08.08 – “Overall well balanced, good masculine head, good reach of neck, level topline, well angulated front quarters, good depth and spring of rib, short-coupled, in good coat, would prefer better front movement.”

Jan Roger Sauge (Norway, kennel Mambrinos), 19.08.2006 Labrador Specialty Show in Tallinn – “very good puppy male, 5 months, good head, neck and front, good bones, would prefer better paws, short body, with lovely lines, good angulations, good movements, lovely colour.” (III place in Male Baby Class).


Nordic Junior Winner’05 Mallorn’s Cappucino
HD: A/A ED: 0:0, eyes clear, Optigen prcd-PRA Normal/Clear
FIN JW’03 Mallorn’s Valentine
FIN Winner’03 Mailiksen Gentleman FIN S CH Strongline’s Eternal Flame
FIN CH Mailiksen Lumikki
FIN CH Mallorn’s Xanadu Winnie’s Frankfurter Team
FIN CH Mallorn’s Poison
Mallorn’s Cafe Au Lait
Bubbling Picasso GB CH Cambremer Tom Cobbley of Charway
Bubbling Claire De Lune
Tjotte’s Pure Colour At Mallorn’s *** FIN CH JWW’98 Rosanan Chelsea Bun
N UCH S UCH Imp’s Strictly Business
Rosanan La Rosa
HD A/B ED 0:0, eyes clear,
Optigen prcd-PRA Carrier
Mallorn’s Arcturus
HD B/B ED 1:0,
3 x BIS
FIN CH Mallorn’s Shenandigan Rosanan Whisky Sour
FIN CH Mallorn’s Opium
FIN CH Boothgates Miz Showbusiness Brandhams Show Stopper
Oulsmi Endless Love
Rosanan Desert Rose
HD A/A ED 0:0
*** FIN CH Junior-WW’98 Rosanan Chelsea Bun Boothgates Headliner
FIN CH Rosanan Imperial Rose
FIN CH Rosanan Purple Rose Tweedledum Modern Talking
FIN CH Tweedledum Sweet’N’Rosy