It is great to start a week again with wonderful news from the world. Dog shows are mostly on weekends, so on Monday the news start flying in 🙂 MY BRAND RARE STONE ROSE (Ranya) was Best of Breed Junior, Best Female-3 and got reserve CC at the Helsinki International Dog Show in Finland! Kiitos […]
My Brand El Torro For Holsteps – RUS CH!
We have reason to brag again and this time the good news come from Ukraine. MY BRAND EL TORRO FOR HOLSTEPS aka Troy visited the National Dog Show in Russia on 15th May and won the Champion Class, was Best Male-2 and is now also Russian Champion! Thank You, Anja, for wonderful news! Congratulations and […]
My Brand Jasmine – tõu parim juunior
Another great news from Russia – MY BRAND JASMINE (Lisa) was Best of Breed Junior today! Congratulations and good luck, Irina and Lisa!
Opole rahvusvaheline näitus 30.04.2011
MY BRAND EXPLORER (Tommi) won the Champion Class and Reserve-CACIB under the breeder judge Penny Carpenini! Congratulations, Dominika!
Rudy’s hips A/A in Finland
Rakvere National Show 9.04.2011
MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL (Jouli) was Best of Breed Puppy! Judge Tomasz Borkowski (POL). Congratulations and good luck in the future!
Kingissepp National Show 2.04.2011
MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) was Best of Breed Junior, Best of Breed, Group Winner and BEST IN SHOW Junior! Amelie got the Junior CC, which makes her now Russian Junior Champion. MY BRAND MISS SUNSHINE (Fiona) got the CC from Russia. Both girls were handled by Maarja Kalma. Thank You for excellent job!
Trainings for field trial and working tests
Trainings for the retriever field trial and working test have begun near Tallinn and Tartu. Registration: Reeli Kuhi-Thalfeldt,
Puppy Party 2011
Thank You all, for coming! Don’t know about your dogs, but ours slept 24 hours after the party, it was strangely quiet at home 😀 A big thanks to Olev and Arvo for taking photos and sharing them kindly! photos of Olev Mihkelmaa here »
Lithuanian Winner 2011
MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) was Best of Breed Junior and gained the titles of Lithuanian Junior Winner 2011, Lithuanian Junior Champion and Baltic Junior Champion! The entry of Labradors was 62 and they were judged by Vera Smirnova (EST). On the second international show on Sunday Amelie was third in Junior Class (of 11 dogs). […]