What a day we had at the Retriever Specialty! MY BRAND ESPIRIT – BOB and BEST IN SHOW!! VANILLA SKY BELLA MARE – BOB Baby and BIS-2 BABY. MY BRAND JUNE BUG – BOB Junior and BIS-4 Junior, MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL – BOS Junior, NIPNTUCK FIRST LADY – 2nd in Junior Class with Junior […]
Rahvusvaheline näitus Tallinnas, 20.08.2011
MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL (Jouli) won the male Junior Class and was Best of Breed Junior! Congratulations! MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) won the Intermediate Class, was third in CC-ring and Best Female 4. Labradors were judged by Theo Leenen, Belgium.
All Breed Show 16.07.2011 in Viimsi
NIPNTUCK FIRST LADY (Emma) was first time out in the Puppy Class and got Best of Breed Puppy with Promotion Prize. MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) won the female Junior Class, got her second Junior CC and was Best of Breed Junior. MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL (Jouli) was second in Male Junior Class with “VG”. […]
Show news from Finland & Russia
It is great to start a week again with wonderful news from the world. Dog shows are mostly on weekends, so on Monday the news start flying in 🙂 MY BRAND RARE STONE ROSE (Ranya) was Best of Breed Junior, Best Female-3 and got reserve CC at the Helsinki International Dog Show in Finland! Kiitos […]
Kingissepp National Show 2.04.2011
MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) was Best of Breed Junior, Best of Breed, Group Winner and BEST IN SHOW Junior! Amelie got the Junior CC, which makes her now Russian Junior Champion. MY BRAND MISS SUNSHINE (Fiona) got the CC from Russia. Both girls were handled by Maarja Kalma. Thank You for excellent job!