Amelie – Belorussian Champion!

MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) is now Belorussian Champion! 26.11.2011 MINSK INT (judge Valeria Bobikova, RUS) – Winner of Working Class, CAC, reserve-CACIB, 27.11.2011 MINSK INT (judge Andrzej Stępiński, POL) – Best Of Breed, CAC = BLR CH,  CACIB and above all – Winner of the Group! Thank You so much, Maarja!

Tartu International Show 5.11.2011

TABATHA’S CAFFU QUEIJEIRO (Caffu) won Open Class and was Best Male 3, MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) had the same result, she won the Open Class and was Best Female 3. MY BRAND HIDALGO (Hidalgo) won the Male Puppy Class. Judge was Rajandra Salvi (IND), entry of labradors was 30.

Amelie – BEST IN SHOW!

What a day we had at the Retriever Specialty! MY BRAND ESPIRIT – BOB and BEST IN SHOW!! VANILLA SKY BELLA MARE – BOB Baby and BIS-2 BABY. MY BRAND JUNE BUG – BOB Junior and BIS-4 Junior, MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL – BOS Junior, NIPNTUCK FIRST LADY – 2nd in Junior Class with Junior […]

Läti retriiverite erinäitus 18.09.2011

What a day! We drove to Latvia, where Retriever Specialty was judged by Yvonne Saussi (Switzerland). MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) was Best of Breed labrador and BEST IN SHOW-3! MY BRAND HIDALGO (Hidalgo) was est of Breed Baby and BEST IN SHOW-2 Baby! MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) won the Junior Class and is now […]

Show results from this weekend

Last weekend we had many dog shows and here are the results of the Labrador Specialty in Luige and Retriever Specialty in Tallinn. Labrador Specialty 3.06.2011 in Luige, judge Manuel Queijeiro, kennel Queijeiro, Mexico). MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) won the female intermediate class, was second for the CC and Best Female-3. MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL […]