What a day we had at the Retriever Specialty! MY BRAND ESPIRIT – BOB and BEST IN SHOW!! VANILLA SKY BELLA MARE – BOB Baby and BIS-2 BABY. MY BRAND JUNE BUG – BOB Junior and BIS-4 Junior, MY BRAND JAMAICAN SOUL – BOS Junior, NIPNTUCK FIRST LADY – 2nd in Junior Class with Junior […]
Läti retriiverite erinäitus 18.09.2011
What a day! We drove to Latvia, where Retriever Specialty was judged by Yvonne Saussi (Switzerland). MY BRAND ESPIRIT (Amelie) was Best of Breed labrador and BEST IN SHOW-3! MY BRAND HIDALGO (Hidalgo) was est of Breed Baby and BEST IN SHOW-2 Baby! MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) won the Junior Class and is now […]