Miks treenida tõukatseks? Kõige õnnelikum labrador on see, kes saab teha seda, milleks ta on loodud Treening aitab koera ja omanik suhet tugevdada Eestis ei saa koer ka näitusetšempioni tiitlit ilma katsetulemuseta Katsed läbinud koer saab rahvusvahelise töösertifikaadi, millega saab näitustel registreerida kasutusklassi Tõukatse on stardisamm jahikatsete või praktiliste jahioskuste poole 2018 kevade koolitustsükkel koos […]
Congratulations on passing the breed trials!
Estonian Labrador Retriever Breed Society organized the retriever breed trials on 8th and 9th October 2016 with judge Ari-Pekka Fontell from Finland and we have reason to celebrate as two of our babies passed them with great results: MY BRAND SPECIAL BLEND (Bosse) – qualified in the field, MY BRAND VICTORIA’S SECRET (Victoria) got III […]
Retriever Breed Trials 6.08.2011
I am so proud of you, guys! MY BRAND JAZZ DEL MAR (Sarah), MY BRAND JAZZ MAN DO (Frankie) & MY BRAND JUNE BUG (Juanita) passed the field trials today! All of them were owner handled and all the three handlers had their first time preparing a dog for breed trial and passing it! Well […]